In Person Energy Healing


If you aren't seeing times that suit please email us as we may be able to accommodate a session out of normal hours.

Please note that “energy healing session” for us at Heart Based Healing Centre incorporates a mix of modalities. We will utilize, in consultation with you, whatever is the most appropriate healing modality. That may be Reiki, Ashati, Alsemia, Coherence Healing or Chakra Balancing and is generally a combination of these different modalities.

Duration: 1 Hour

1 Hour

The Healing Session

Before commencing an energy healing at the Heart Based Healing Centre, in-person or remotely, we will discuss why you have booked a healing. This may lead to some further discussion on whether there are any underlying issues that maybe causing the symptoms you identify, but you will not be pressured to discuss anything you are uncomfortable about.

Together we will agree on a simple intention that can be focused on during the healing, and you can utilise over the following days as the healing integrates with your mind, body and soul.

Intentions focus on the state or feeling you wish to embody, are always positive, simple to understand and relevant to you at the time you set them. Some examples are; I am healthy & at ease. I have everything I need. I love myself & everyone I meet.

What are the Benefits of Energy Healing?

Boost the Immune System

Energy Healing can help to boost the immune system which is great news when you are battling an illness. It can also help reduce the severity of colds and flus.

Pain Management

Energy Healing can help to reduce pain, it's a great adjunct therapy if you are dealing with chronic pain or illness and is particularly useful for those dealing with cancer.

Inflammation & Circulation

Energy Healing helps to improve circulation and increase oxygen and nutrients to the cells. This can help to reduce inflammation and is especially useful in conditions such as arthritis & fibromyalgia.

Anxiety and Stress

Energy Healing can help calm the mind and body promoting a sense of well being. When the body is in a state of stress physical and emtional symptoms can be experienced.

Improved Sleep

Stress, anxiety and pain can all have a profound effect on our sleep. By helping to alleviate these symptoms people often find their sleep is greatly improved.

Emotional Well Being

Energy Healing can enhance emotional well being by releasing negativef emotions and patterns, helping you feel more positive and empowered in your daily life.

What Happens In An Energy Healing

Once your intention is set. Appropriate music will be played in the background during the healing that will usually correspond to a particular solfeggio frequency relevant to your healing.

We will initially focus on your 7 chakras, starting at the Crown Chakra. This follows the Reiki tradition of energy healing, however we will draw on all healing modalities to deliver the best healing for you at that time. That is; you may receive Reiki, Ashati, Alsemia, Coherence Healing and/or Kundalini Bodywork energy frequencies during the healing which may be boosted by the use of energy healing symbols.

We also incorporate intuition to identify additional areas to focus on during the healing. To end your healing you'll experience a linking of your chakras, starting at the Root Chakra and ascending back to the Crown; removing any blockages that have been cleared during the healing through a grounding practice.

In Person or Remote Energy Healing?

While the most common type of energy healing is real-time in-person healing, energy healing can also be performed over distance. During an in-person energy healing session, you receive your healing while in the same room as your healing practioner. Whereas with remote healing, you receive an energy healing session from your practioner whilst you are in a different location.

In short, you can get your session from anywhere in the world. Remote healing works due to the link between universal energy source and all living beings on the planet.

When receiving a distance healing session, you can lie down or sit down at a pre-arranged time as you would do in an in-person session.

We will connect to you through Zoom or phone during the entire session to share information and instructions as if you are in the same room.

What Clients Have To Say

Dr Rosina McAlpine

The Sacred Sensuality Coach

Steven Hughes


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More Information About Energy Healing

What is Energy Healing: Understanding Forms of Energy Healing

Energy healing is a branch of alternative medicine that can promote real healing by intelligently directly attention to the origin of sickness, dis-ease or concerns. Energy healing aims to restore the balance and flow of energy in your body.

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Does Remote Healing Work?

If you have not experienced energy healing before, you may be scptical about not being in the direct presence of your healer.

Read on to discover what energy healing is and the possibility of getting its benefits right from the comfort of your home or wherever you are in the world.

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