Energy Healing

Energy is everything. It is ultimately the
source of matter, it is what creates our planet, our bodies, but also our
spirit, soul, thoughts and emotions. Energy based healing and personal
development work has the potential to change your life, and the life of those around you. 

“Healing” is a broad term used to describe the
general improvement of one’s health or overall well-being. 

“Energy healing” is a safe, non-invasive use of natural energies, often from higher dimensions and nature, to assist and boost the self-healing ability of a person on the physical, emotional, mental,
and spiritual levels.


Healing means different things for each level of our being. 

“Physical healing” as a general rule refers to the clearing of the body's energy pathways and the providing of specific
energies to help the muscles, organs and other body tissues to get closer to their optimal state, therefore improving health. 

“Emotional healing” is usually centred on releasing repressed or clouding emotions, chieving emotional control and balance, understanding and using emotions as a form of language to guide us throughout life and to positively develop relationships, creativity,
expression, manifestation, etc. 

“Mental healing” is often about bringing peace, clarity and expansion within the different levels of our mind, its thoughts, beliefs and perceptions, using them to manifest higher goals and to generate the behaviours and create the life that one truly wants.  

“Spiritual healing” is multi-dimensional and often linked to the higher energy bodies, those that create what we call the “soul”. It can be about opening one’s mind to new and higher perspectives, being able to see behavioural and life patterns, developing our conscious connection to our higher senses (psychic senses), past-life healing, and much more. 

Energy healing is completely natural and not associated with any religion – although spiritual in nature (“spiritual” is referring to our energetic nature and the energetic nature of our universe). It is ultimately controlled by the unconscious mind (or higher-self) and the body of the person receiving the healing energies.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is completely natural and not associated with any religion – although spiritual in nature (“spiritual” is referring to our energetic nature and the energetic nature of our universe). It is ultimately controlled by the unconscious mind (or higher-self) and the body of the person receiving the healing energies.  

The healing power of this form of therapy mostly comes from the early correction of disruptions and disturbances at the energy level, before they can manifest in disorders and diseases. It also helps the body restore balance and well-being when the energetic disturbances and blockages have already reached the lower levels: mental, emotional and even physical bodies. Even healthy people will benefit from energy healing. For example, it can help increase energy, release stress, clear the mind, rebalance energy and chakras, and much more. Recovery time from accidents, injuries and surgeries can also be much faster with regular energy healing treatments, which are often felt as deeply relaxing and enjoyable.  

Healing is an on-going process. There are almost always new layers of repressed energies to work on or higher levels of knowledge, personal development and spiritual awakening to reach. While the
first few stages may sometimes seem difficult and challenging, the further you go, the easier and the more “life-changing” healing becomes, bringing you closer and closer to perfect balance and to your true self.  

Energy healing is a complementary modality and
should not replace any traditional medical treatment. Please continue to seek medical advice when necessary.