My Journey

I have been drawn to healing for a long time.  Yoga was a real catalyst for me.  I found that it not only strengthened my body but it opened my heart. Working with QiGong was a great introduction for me
into the body’s energy system, I learned how to move and optimise energy around the body and I began to understand the relationship between this energy and the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

In 2014 I discovered meditation and this has led to many changes in my life. I furthered my meditation practice through the teachings of Dr Joe Dispenza and leant more about heart and brain coherence.
During one of Dr Joe Dispenza’s advanced meditation workshops I took part in a group healing session.  This was my first
experience of tapping into universal energy and being a conduit of that energy, directing it with love and intention towards an individual in need. This experience was not only profound for me, I received tremendous feedback and it was then I knew I wanted to be an energy healer.

Since that time I have continued to work with other meditators to provide in-person and remote healings, including being a member of one Dr Joe Dispenza’s 9 authorised Coherence Healing Groups. I also began my energy healing training in earnest.

How We Can Work Together

I have studied Reiki, Ashati
and Alsemia, which promotes healers using their intuition and all their training as energy healers, rather than a single modality (such as reiki). I
continue to study other modalities and techniques to support my clients, most recently completing advanced training in Kundalini Bodywork.

I have an extensive toolkit of energy healing modalities to work with.
During your first session with me we will discuss your needs and I will
evaluate which modalities are appropriate.

Any form of energy healing I provide, apart
from Kundalini Bodywork, can be provided either in person or remotely as a distance energy healing, typically through zoom.  At this time Kundalini Bodywork is only available in person at our Woonona Healing Centre.

Book a Session with me here.